Here's my building from the outside. Its not too bad working there. the ppl are nice and they all speak english. I kinda wish they didnt though cos then i'd have to learn german. At the rate im learning it now its gonna take a long time. I admire the ppl i meet here that can speak 3 or 4 languages (thats actually pretty common here). I feel kinda stupid struggling away with German. Meine Duetsche sprechen ist kaput aber ich sehr langsam lernen. I can also say "Ein Pilsner Bitte". Very helpful that one.
What is strange about Germany is that dispite being strict with stupid things like crossing the road when the red man is flashing, its perfectly ok to have a few beers on a break at work. Its also perfectly to have a cigarette in an enclosed space. Ppl will spark up on a crowded bus and nobody complains. I dont do this cos Im not comfortable with it. Having said this, most Germans still have a bit of "the N word" in them just in their general attitude to most things. It's a bit different to Australia I suppose in that respect which is why its hard to get used to.
You find sometimes that ppl are complete squares for most of the time but they will have one thing that they do which is completely wild. For example, the guy i sit opposite to at work, Reimond has a Phd in fracture mechanics or somethin, writes political articles for some newspapers and drives a citroen berlingo. This is obviously fairly boring so to compensate he is a regular base jumper! his favourite spot is the old gas tower in Oberhausen which is 117m tall!
I tried to take a photo of a deer in the park the other day. This is close to the road so I can get away from the crazy men from Koln more easily. I think the shutter speed was a little slow on this one.
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